--- title: Calcite Web description: Quickly build beautiful, consistent websites with the Calcite Web Framework layout: layouts/_layout --- {% block subnav %} {%endblock%} {% block content %}
Current Version {{data.pkg.version}}
Size {{data.stats.humanizedSize}}
Size (Gzipped) {{data.stats.humanizedGzipSize}}
Last Update {{data.repo.pushed_at}}
{% markdown %} ## A Design & Development Framework Calcite Web is a branded CSS & JavaScript framework, web style guide, and visual design system for Esri. You can use Calcite Web to quickly build on-brand, lightweight, and accessible websites. The robust codebase is well supported, steadily maintained, and always being improved. Calcite Web has everything you need to quickly build excellent web experiences and a collection of [extensions](./examples/) that enable specific use cases like [marketing pages](./examples/marketing/) and [e-commerce](./examples/e-commerce/). {% endmarkdown %}

Easy to Get Started

Use Calcite Web from your favorite package manager, download it, or just use it off the CDN.

Package Managers

Calcite Web can be installed as a Ruby Gem or an NPM package.

Get instructions
{% markdown %} #### CDN Calcite Web can also be referenced directly from the CDN: ```html ``` {% endmarkdown %}


Small, reusable elements in a design like buttons, dropdowns, and tooltips


Larger design patterns like navigation, tabs, and accordions


Iconography for both social media and user interfaces


Fully responsive, twenty-four column grid for layout


Type styles, size, color, and helpful modifier classes


Simplified Esri color pallette available as Sass variables

{% markdown %} ### Copy, Paste Using Calcite Web's design patterns is as easy as copy paste. The [Quickstart Guide](/examples) explains how to [include the framework](/documentation) in your project, lay out basic page structures with the [grid system](/documentation/grid), and use the [UI Patterns](/documentation/patterns) to present content. {% endmarkdown %} Read the Quickstart Guide
{% markdown %} ### Comprehensive & Extendable Calcite Web has all the building blocks you need to create most projects, but sometimes you might need a little extra. This is why we've created a set of extensions to Calcite Web to handle situations like [e-commerce](/examples/e-commerce) and [splashy marketing pages](/examples/marketing). Just include a line of CSS, and start working from the examples. Learn More About Extentions {% endmarkdown %}
{% endblock %}